His second visit was from Decemto February 10, 2020. He was located in the in front of the Ant Gate between Decemto January 31, 2019.

Alternatively, if the player already had one by buying the Festive Bee Pack or from the Ticket Tent, he gave 500 Tickets instead. At the end of his quests, he gave players a special bee, Festive Bee. In 2018, his Quests were focused on creating Presents, which could be later given to NPCs. He is one of the five temporary Quest Givers, the others being Sun Bear, Gummy Bear, Stick Bug and Bubble Bee Man. The contents below may be archival, but feel free to edit below.īee Bear is a Traveling Bear who appears during Beesmas. I have no idea how to accomplish this.The following content has been removed from the game. Repeats this for all elements of the selection of error us elements Preferably maintains the original node-numbering Creates two new elements by diving the old over a diagonal Retrieves the node numbers of the selected element Selects a element out of the selection of elements with a warping error To be able to solve this problem I need to write a command which: These elements have random element and node numbers. I have selected all elements containing the warping error. Each element is generated by a separate EN,#, command line in the text file, requiring a rewrite of a few thousand lines of text. This seems simple however the model contains a few thousand to these elements. This problem should be easily fixed by dividing each rectangular element that generates a warping error into two triangular elements. While the model works fine in FEMAP, ANSYS cannot handle this model due to high warping factors (up to 11) of a number of elements.

The model contains many rectangular shell 63 elements, which comprise a complicated 3D structure. Due to current licence issues I have received a text file generated to use in ANSYS. For the analysis of my current task I have received the required model from a college.